Tiny-Link React Tutorial

Photo by Roman Synkevych on Unsplash

At the beginning of my Mod 5 project I knew I wanted to implement some type of link other than just some boring http address. Somewhere along the way I stumbled across Tiny-Link. Simple yet elegant, and a waaaay cooler approach to the boring http link.

vs. https://www.amazon.com/blahblahblah

Implementing this is actually pretty easy.

import { ReactTinyLink } from “react-tiny-link”;

Then within your return( )








cardSize you can choose small, medium, or large.

showGraphic={true} if you want the image to appear, {false} if not.

maxLine determines maximum number of line to ellipsis…

minLine determines minimum number of line to ellipsis…

and of course url is self explanatory

Thats pretty much it! Enjoy!

